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Long Term Care Blog

John Hancock exits long term care insurance sales

| Jack Lenenberg

John Hancock

John Hancock Discontinues LTC Insurance Sales

One of the pioneers of long term care insurance announced today it is making the difficult decision to stop selling long term care insurance policies effective December 2, 2016.  John Hancock has...

How does Medicare address long term care?

| Jack Lenenberg

Medicare ConfusionStudies show that 70 percent of Americans that reach Medicare age of 65 will need long term care at some point in their lives.

This care may be received at home, in assisted living, or within a skilled nursing facility.  The US Department of...

Group challenges gender-based long term care insurance rates

| Jack Lenenberg

Ltc Gender Based Rates

A non-profit legal organization has filed suit alleging that the recently instituted practice of private insurance companies charging women higher rates for long term care insurance violates Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act.

The National...

Long Term Care Insurance Planning in California

| Jack Lenenberg

The Cost of Long Term Care in California

California Map

The cost of receiving long term care services in California is very expensive.  Whether you plan to pay for these costs out of your own retirement savings or whether you plan to buy long term care...

Long Term Care Insurance Class is in Session

| Jack Lenenberg

One of Ted Kennedy’s final acts as US Senator was to try to make long term care insurance affordable for most Americans.

Working on the Class Act for almost 10 years, Ted Kennedy finally succeeded when the Community Living Assistance Services and...

Long Term Care Insurance Partnership Plans to the Rescue

| Jack Lenenberg

What would happen financially to your spouse or your partner if financially if you were to require long term care?
Medicare and private health insurance do not pay for long term care. And Medicaid requires you to spend down to $2000 in assets to...